Eileen Agosta
About Us
Eileen is a Denver based filmmaker with more than 15 years of experience in writing, directing and producing. She founded Twelve Monkeys Dancing Films in 2001, and through it has produced 2 student feature-length films, the independent feature film Different Kinds, and 13 short films, including Eggshells, Breach, and The Armageddon Kitty. She has also served as producer on several local films, including Jean Claude Van Damme’s Damn Van from Nebulus Visions Multimedia.​

​She’s currently in production directing the feature-length psychological thriller Trauma, which is currently in post-production with an anticipated completion date in late 2019. Eileen is the Program Director for the Colorado Independent Women of Film and EFPalooza Film Festivals, the Director of Film Festivals and a member of the Advisory Board for the Emerging Filmmaker’s Project, and serves as Vice-President of the Board of Directors for The Bug Theatre. You can learn more about her at www.eileenagosta.com.